++ Haben Sie Fragen bei Übergewicht/Adipositas zur Gewichtsabnahme mit Hilfe von GLP1 Agonisten ( "Fett weg" Spritze: Ozempic/ Wegovy/Mounjaro) ?
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+++ IMPFUNGEN gegen Influenza und Covid 19 +++
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+++ OZEMPIC +++
Die Liefersituation für das Präparat Ozempic/Wegovy und ähnliche Präparate hat sich erfreulicherweise spannt.
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+++ STELLENANGEBOTE in eigener Sache +++
Sozialkompetenz, Anerkennung und Krisensicherheit:
Wir suchen eine:n ausgelernte:n MFA (Medizinische Fachangestellte:n) für unser Team.
Wir suchen auch dringend motivierte Auszubildende zur Medizinischen Fachangestellten.
Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams und bewerbe Dich unter: praxis@diabetes-muenchen.de
Der Deutschlandweit ausgeschriebene Preis "Silverstar 2020" geht an unser DIABETOMOBIL für "herausragende Projekte und Personen, die ältere Menschen mit Diabetes in besonderer Weise unterstützen" ... Das ist nun schon der nächste Preis nach dem bayerischen Gesundheitspreis vor einigen Jahren... Vielen Dank !

Gute Nachricht für die Umwelt!!! ... Wir sind ab sofort mit unserem "Silverstar" rein elektrisch unterwegs, geladen mit 100% Ökostrom.
News aus der Wissenschaft:
WHO advises against using non-sugar substitutes
The World Health Organization has recommended against using non-sugar sweeteners, especially as a weight management tool, as well as minimizing intake of regular sugar, honey, agave and products like corn syrup, citing research showing that regularly consuming sugar substitutes increased risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (5-2023)
Study links diet to mental health
A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that people who regularly ate nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables reported more positive mental health and were less likely to have symptoms of depression or anxiety (7-2022)
Exercise may cut dementia risk in new-onset T2D
A study in Diabetes Care found that adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes who engaged in regular physical activity were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, all-cause dementia and vascular dementia than those who were less active. The findings, based on data from 133,751 people in the Korean National Health Insurance Service database, suggest patients who have been recently diagnosed with diabetes should be encouraged to exercise, the authors wrote (3-2022)
Lifting Weights Lowers The Risk Of Death From All Causes
30-60 mins of weekly muscle-strengthening activity is linked to 10-20% lower death risk from all causes and from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, in particular, but no there is no conclusive evidence that more than an hour of this activity is more effective according to a recent meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Study links wine with food to a lower T2D risk
Drinking a moderate amount of wine with food, but not drinking wine alone, was linked to a 14% lower risk of type 2 diabetes in adults, according to a study to be presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Conference 2022. The study found wine, beer and liquor all had different associations with diabetes risk (3-2022)
Study links less meat consumption to lower cancer risk
Eating meat five times or less per week was linked to a 2% lower risk of cancer, compared with eating meat more often, and eating fish but not meat was associated with a 10% lower risk, according to a study in BMC Medicine. Data showed people who followed a vegan or vegetarian eating plan had a 14% decreased cancer risk -- particularly prostate and breast cancer -- compared with people who ate meat more than five times per week.
Plant-based diet may lower LDL levels
Diet has a significant impact on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations in polygenic hypercholesterolemia, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition. A diet high in saturated fat increased LDL the most, while consuming a plant-based diet including grains like oats, barley and nuts and eating fish rather than meat may help to control LDL levels (3-2023)
Weitere interessanten Studien aus der Welt der Wissenschaft finden Sie hier in "AKTUELLES".